Afterschool at the Library
Mrs. Gove will be reading a few chapters of " STICK DOG DREAMS OF ICE CREAM" each week, followed by fun activities! Fraction Sundaes Valentine’s Crafts Watch a Movie
Mrs. Gove will be reading a few chapters of " STICK DOG DREAMS OF ICE CREAM" each week, followed by fun activities! Fraction Sundaes Valentine’s Crafts Watch a Movie
Jonathan Harrington (1811-1881) was one of the earliest American magicians. Born in Boston, Harrington began his performing career as a ventriloquist in 1826, and subsequently added fire resistance, conjuring, mimicry, and exhibitions to his performances, eventually focusing on magic. His success allowed him to purchase the New England Museum where he presented shows and exhibitions. [...]
Join us at the Newbury Public Library for drop-in relaxation sessions to help brighten and better your winter. We’ll have Buddha boards to create super simple, soothing art, easy seasonal crafts, self-care demos, relaxing background music, plus hot beverages and healthy snacks.
Join us for a Marketing Basics Workshop with SBA and SCORE on Monday, February 24 at 7pm at the Newbury Public Library! This workshop will be covering the following topics: *Writing a Marketing Strategic Plan *Online and Offline Marketing *Dealing with Marketing Burnout *Business Building and Networking in the Local Community Register using the link [...]
Meet the pirates from the Brethren Order of the North East Seas (B.O.N.E.S.)! Sing some pirate songs. Learn all about pirates. Wear your favorite pirate outfit. Bring home some pirate booty!
Our Writer's Group is open to all writers- come share your work, tips, experiences, questions! Join us the first Thursday of every month!
We will be reading A Novel Love Story. Copies are available at the library and all are welcome to attend.
Our Book Discussion meets the Third Sunday of every month. Copies are available at the library and this group is open to all!
Our Writer's Group is open to all writers- come share your work, tips, experiences, questions! Join us the first Thursday of every month!
CELEBRATE POETRY MONTH: APRIL 2025 SUBMIT TO OUR ANNUAL POETRY CONTEST Theme: THE FOUR (OR MORE) SEASONS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE The judge for the contest is the poet, Laurie Zimmerman author of the poetry collections, Bright Exit and Hidden Branches. She taught English at Proctor Academy, Andover NH for 28 years and is the former [...]