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Monday 25th

Drop-in anytime!

Choose a poem to share on our “poetry tree” or write one (templates will be available to help kids/adults write poems). A tree will be created in construction paper and the poems will be the leaves.

There will be a Poetry Charades game to act out the action/subject of the poems, and poetry books will be on display for children/parents to read and check out.

Also don’t forget to come to our Storytime at 10am, which will be poetry-themed.



Tuesday 26th


Poetry Tea Time: children will be encouraged to dress up and attend a tea party with snacks and “tea”. During the tea time children and their caregivers will share poems. Miss Emily will also read poems to the group.


Thursday 28th

Drop-in anytime!

Build a poem day!

Throughout the children’s room their will be poetry stations. Magnetic Poetry will be available for children to use to build a poem and building blocks will have words on them so the children can build poems that way too. Poem templates will be available too.

Saturday March 2 at 10am

Writing Poetry with Matt Forrest Esenwine!

Local Author Matt Forrest Esenwine will share some of his poetry and support the children in building found poetry. Using the words form a book, pamphlet, magazine or anywhere else children pick out words that they speak to them and try to create a poem from those words.

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